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Quarterly Report: The project for promoting youth employment through automotive maintenance skills training in Sierra Leone

Quarterly Report: The project for promoting youth employment through automotive maintenance skills training in Sierra Leone


The fact sheet with an overview and plans for the project

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in cooperation with the Government of Japan, the Government of Sierra Leone launched the “The project for promoting youth employment through automotive maintenance skills training” in Sierra Leone from 2021. This web page will provide regular updates on the progress and status of this project.

Ranking 181st out of 189 countries and territories on the Human Development Index ranking, Sierra Leone remains one of the poorest countries in the world. In a country where youth constitute a third of the population, youth unemployment and underemployment stand at a staggering 70%, with approximately 800,000 youths actively searching for employment today.

In the automotive repair and maintenance service industry in Sierra Leone, expanding vehicle registrations and increasing transport imports point to its potential for growth and job creation. However, the industry struggles to find workers who are able to meet the relevant auto mechanic skills requirements. One of the root causes for this skills mismatch is the insufficient and defective technical and vocational education and training (TVET)system, which does not correspond to the economic realities outside the school system.

The proposed project aims to contribute to closing the skills gap in Sierra Leone’s automotive aftermarket industry in order to support the country’s National Development Plan (NDP) 2019-2023 and to contribute to decent employment opportunities for youth in Sierra Leone.


Quarterly Reports

Results for Q3 in 2024


  • The National Council for Technical, Vocational, and Other Academic Awards (NCTVA) validated both the Automotive Mechanic and Entrepreneurship curricula. In September, the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education (MoTHE) conducted the final validation for accreditation. The final accreditation event is scheduled for the second week of October.
  • The vendor selected to develop the Automotive Mechanic training materials according to the curriculum has been chosen through an international bid launched earlier. A total of 39 different modules will be developed in stages over the next 12 months.


  • All structural, architectural, mechanical, plumbing, and civil works have been fully completed at the Automotive training center. The remaining tasks include specific electrical installations and finishing works.
  • All items received in Q2 and Q3 have been inspected and safely stored at the Government Technical Institute (GTI) in Kissy.
  • The remaining procurements faced production delays; the new delivery date for automotive lifts and machinery is now set for end of October. Additionally, power tools, storage solutions and automotive diagnostics are expected to arrive in November.

2024 Q3 report


Results for Q2 in 2024


  • Three curriculum consultation workshops were held in May 2024 in different regions of Sierra Leone: Bo, Makeni, and Freetown, to finalize the review of both the Automotive Mechanic and Entrepreneurship curricula before proceeding to the final validation stage for national approval.
  • An international bid has been launched for the development of Automotive Mechanic training materials. The Entrepreneurship materials have already been completed by UNIDO experts.


  • Construction work of the Government Technical Institute (GTI) Kissy is currently underway. It will now be completed by Q3 2024.
  • Various equipment and tools for the automotive training center have been procured through international procurement processes. All the equipment is scheduled to be delivered to the center in Q3 2024.
  • Training of trainers (ToT) for Entrepreneurship was conducted from May 20th to 24th, 2024. The training session took place in Freetown, where a UNIDO international expert delivered a full 5-day session to 14 participants from various project stakeholders.

2024 Q2 report


Results for Q1 in 2024


  • Completed both the Automotive mechanic curriculum and the Entrepreneurship curriculum development, and the consultation process is currently ongoing.
  • Preparations to launch an international bid for training material development are completed. The bid will be published in Apr 2024.


  • Infrastructure upgrade of the host institution is ongoing.
  • Procured some modern equipment and further procurement is planned by Q3 2024.

2024 Q1 report


Results for Q4 in 2023


  • Completed needs assessment
  • Development of both the Automotive mechanic curriculum and the Entrepreneurship curriculum is ongoing


  • Infrastructure upgrade of the host institution is ongoing
  • Procured modern equipment
  • Established the staff development plan and completed automotive skills ToTs in South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, and Sierra Leone
  • Completed study tour in Japan including KAIZEN and 5S training

2023 Q4 report


Monthly Reports

Results for December in 2023

  • After successfully completing all the unit standards ranging from level one to level five for the Automotive Mechanic Curriculum and finalizing the content of the Entrepreneurship Curriculum, the project team is currently preparing for the consultation phase, which will begin in early 2024. During this phase, both curricula will be reviewed with institutions and industry stakeholders from all 16 provinces in Sierra Leone.
  • The process of reviewing and evaluating the proposals from eight construction companies for the rehabilitation of the Automotive Training Center has been completed, and the winner has been selected. The rehabilitation work will commence in January 2024.
  • Three Toyota training vehicles that were acquired have been delivered to Sierra Leone. Additionally, the project team has been actively working on finalizing the procurement of equipment and tools for the center from various countries. However, some of the offers from vendors were incomplete, and we project to complete this activity by early 2024.

December report


Results for November in 2023

  • Successfully completed all the unit standards ranging from level one to level five for the Automotive Mechanic Curriculum. Presently, we are developing the Entrepreneurship Curriculum, which is expected be completed by December 2023. The consultation phase is scheduled to begin in early 2024, during which both curricula will be reviewed with institutions and industry stakeholders from all 16 provinces in Sierra Leone.
  • The rehabilitation tender for the Automotive Training center has been closed, with eight companies submitting their proposals. We are in the process of reviewing the proposals, which is expected to be completed by end of December 2023.
  • The project team is focusing all its efforts on finalizing the procurement of equipment and tools for the center before end of year. Presently, we are acquiring cutting-edge equipment from several countries.  One purchase order for auto electrical boards has already been fulfilled, and we anticipate concluding four additional purchase orders by the end of this year.  Moreover, three Toyota training vehicles have been acquired and are currently in transit, with delivery scheduled for December 2023.

November report


Results for October in 2023

  • Successfully completed all the Unit Standards ranging from level one to level five for the Automotive Mechanic Curriculum. Presently, we’re in the consultation stage, arranging visits to institutions and industry stakeholders to gather feedback from all 16 provinces in Sierra Leone. Simultaneously, we are preparing all the logistical arrangements to start the development of Entrepreneurship Curriculum.
  • Four automotive trainers from the Government Technical Institute (GTI) Kissy successfully completed a four-week Training of Trainers (ToT) program at the Toyota Kenya Academy located in Nairobi, Kenya. During this program, the trainers from GTI underwent intensive training in four distinct areas, including “Engine Systems”, “Overhauls”, ” Suspension Technology & Steering Types”, ” Security System & Body Electrical”, and also soft skills trainings to develop entrepreneurship mindset.
  • The rehabilitation tender for the Automotive Training center at GTI kissy has been closed, with eight companies submitting their proposals. We are presently in the phase of assessing qualifications and conducting technical reviews of the bids.  

October report


Results for Septemberin 2023

  • Two technical workshops took place at The National Council for Technical, Vocational and Other Academic Awards (NCTVA) on the 5th, 6th and 7th and 12th, 13th and 14th of September for the development of National Automotive Curriculum. We have successfully finalized Unit Standards ranging from level one to level five. Additionally, we have reached an agreement with NCTVA management regarding the logistical aspects for the consultation phase of curriculum development.
  • Four automotive experts from the Government Technical Institute (GTI) Kissy successfully completed a six-week Training of Trainers (ToT) program at the West African Vehicle Academy (WAVA) located in Accra, Ghana. During this program, the four experts from GTI underwent intensive training in six distinct areas, including “Vehicle Dynamics,” “Diesel Injection,” two levels of “Engine Management”, “Drivetrain,” and “Sensor and Car Network Systems”
  • All logistical arrangements have been completed for the four automotive experts from GTI Kissy to attend a four weeks ToT at Toyota Kenya Academy in Nairobi, Kenya starting 9th of October 2023.

September report


Results for August in 2023

  • Two technical workshops will be held at The   National Council for Technical, Vocational and Other Academic Awards (NCTVA) on the 5th, 6th and 7th and 12th, 13th and 14th of September  for the development of National Automotive Curriculum. All arrangements for the workshops are finalized and two international experts will be joining the workshop along with the national stakeholders in charge of curriculum development.
  • Four automotive experts from the Government Technical Institute (GTI) Kissy successfully completed a one week Training of Trainers (ToT) course on “Vehicle Safety, Measuring and Hydraulic Breaking System” Training at CICA Motors (SL) Ltd., Toyota official distributor in Sierra Leone.
  • A six-weeks ToT is  ongoing at the West African Vehicle Academy (WAVA) in Accra, Ghana. The four automotive experts from GTI already completed two trainings “Vehicle Dynamics” and “Diesel Injection” in the first two weeks, four more trainings are planned at WAVA, which will end on the 29th of September 2023.
  • All logistical arrangements have been set for the four automotive experts from GTI Kissy to attend a four weeks ToT at Toyota Kenya Academy in Nairobi, Kenya starting 9th of October 2023.

August report


Results for July in 2023

  • A workshop was held to present the findings of “Training Needs Assessment (TNA)” and “Labor Market Survey (LMS)” which were undertaken to identify the existing gaps and training requirements in Automotive maintenance skills. Approximately 40 participants from various institutions participated in this event.
  • Four automotive experts from Government Technical Institute (GTI) Kissy successfully completed a three-week Training of Trainers (ToT) course on Auto Electrical Trainings at the Kigima Training Center in Pretoria, South Africa. As recognition of competencies gained, the participants received four distinct certificates, each corresponding to the different levels of Auto-Electrical courses completed, accredited by the Manufacturing, Engineering, and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority (merSETA) in South Africa.
  • A one-week ToT has been scheduled with CICA Motors (SL) Ltd., Toyota official distributor in Sierra Leone. During this training, GTI automotive experts will be trained on work safety practices at Automotive workshops.
  • All logistical and procurement arrangement have been completed for the four automotive experts from GTI Kissy to attend a six-week ToT at West African Vehicle Academy (WAVA) starting 20th of August 2023.

July report


Results for June in 2023

  • The development of standards & qualifications is currently ongoing. Additionally, through research is being conducted to level the national curricula with those of the ECOWAS countries.
  • A study Tour to Japan has been completed. The Sierra Leonean delegation, consisting of four staff members from Government Technical Institute (GTI) Kissy and the director of the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, participated in a Kaizen &
    5S training program and got introduced to the Japanese automotive aftermarket and
    related industries, including participation in the 37th Auto Service Show.
  • Four automotive experts from GTI Kissy will be attending a three-week Training of
    Trainers course on Auto Electrical Trainings at the Kigima Training Center in South Africa starting 10th of July 2023.
  • The Staff Development Plan for the automotive experts from GTI Kissy has been
    completed. By the end of 2023, the automotive experts will be participating in Training of Trainers programs at CICA Motors – Toyota in Sierra Leone, West African Vehicle Academy in Ghana, and Toyota Academy in Kenya.

June report


Results for May in 2023

  • The “Automotive and Entrepreneurship Training Needs Assessment (TNA)” report has been completed.
  • The DACUM Chart for the curriculum development has been completed. The development of standards & qualifications is currently ongoing.
  • The necessary preparations have been finalized for the upcoming study tour in Tokyo, Japan. The Sierra Leonean delegation, consisting of four staff members from Government Technical Institute (GTI) Kissy and the director of the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, will be participating in a Kaizen & 5S training program and will also be introduced to the Japanese automotive aftermarket and related industries, including participation in the 37th Auto Service Show.
  • Four automotive experts from GTI Kissy are scheduled to attend a three-week Training of Trainers course on Auto Electrical Trainings at the Kigima Training Center in South Africa starting 10th of July. All logistical arrangements have been set and the project team is currently processing all agreements.
  • Discussions have been initiated to provide support for the website of GTIs with the goal of enhancing their online presence and improving communication with the youth.

May report


Results for April in 2023

  • The “Automotive and Entrepreneurship Training Needs Assessment (TNA)” report is finalized. The findings of the report will be presented to the relevant stakeholders of the project.
  • The chart and roadmap for the curriculum development have been completed. As for the second phase, the development of standards and qualifications has been launched.
  • The project team visited eight Governmental Technical Institutes (GTI)s in seven different districts in Sierra Leone to assess the training level and find areas of cooperation.
  • A mission was organized to Accra, Ghana for GTI management staff and Instructors to obtain visa to Japan for the upcoming Study Tour in June. The mission included a study tour in three Training Institutions for GTI beneficiaries to learn more about the TVET system in Ghana, specifically the Automotive sector.
  • The Communication and Outreach Plan of the project has been completed.

April report


Results for March in 2023

  • Data Collection for “Automotive and Entrepreneurship Training Needs Assessment (TNA)” completed, and the report including the findings will be finalized by April 2023.
  • Two days workshop was organized with the National Council for Technical Vocational & other Academic Awards (NCTVA) with the presence of relevant stakeholders to launch the development of National Automotive Curricula. The process was followed by a series of online and in person meetings with the relevant stakeholders.
  • UNIDO project team in consultation with a team of technical experts completed the rehabilitation specifications and an international bid will be launched in April 2023.
  • The assessment of Automotive Trainers from the Governmental Technical Institute (GTI) supported by the project, has been completed and development of Training of Trainer plan will be finalized by April 2023.
  • Mission plan and logistics have been set for an in country mission to the Automotive Training centers of GTIs across Sierra Leone to discuss areas of collaboration and knowledge sharing.

March report


Results for February in 2023

  • Training for “Automotive and Entrepreneurship Training Needs assessment questionnaire” data collectors is completed, and the enumerators are in the process of collecting data from the Automotive Industry Market players.
  • Meeting was held with the Director of National Council for Technical Vocational & other Academic Awards where we selected national and international experts to work on the modernization of the national Automotive curricula of Sierra Leone.
  • UNIDO project team in consultation with team of technical experts completed the technical specifications for training vehicles procurements.
    The rehabilitation specifications will be completed in April 2023.
  • Series of discussions were held with Toyota Training Academy in Kenya, West African Vehicle Academy in Ghana and Kigima Training center in South Africa to finalize the schedule plan of Training of Trainers in these Training centers.
  • Several meetings were held with GIZ and Don Bosco who are also interested to be engaged after completion of the Automotive Training center.

February report


Results for January in 2023

  • Automotive and Entrepreneurship Training Needs assessment questionnaire is completed and approved by the key stakeholders of the project.
  • Meeting held with the National Council for Technical Vocational & other Academic Awards during which the roadmap to develop national curriculum has been agreed.
  • UNIDO project team in consultation with team of technical experts started developing technical specifications for equipment, training vehicles and rehabilitation work.
  • Project Steering committee meeting has been held to discuss the progress of the project and whereby the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework has been approved.
  • Meeting held with relevant committee members and the Workplan 2023 completed and has been approved.

January report


Results for December in 2022

  • 2 staff from Freetown Polytechnic and Ministry of Technical and Higher Education Completed online and on-campus training on Vocational Training Management with ICTILO
  • Information Technology training for 8 Freetown Polytechnic staff Completed
  • Site visits to complete the layout development for the Centre of Excellence

December report


Results for November in 2022

  • 2 staff from Freetown Polytechnic and Ministry of Technical and Higher Education started online training on Vocational Training Management with ICTILO
  • Information Technology training for 8 Freetown Polytechnic staff ongoing
  • Training Needs Assessment (TNA) survey questionnaire review ongoing
  • Ministry of Technical and Higher Education Nominated six VTCs across the country for knowledge sharing

November report


Results for October in 2022

  •  2 staff from Freetown Polytechnic and Ministry of Technical and Higher Education started vocational training center management trainings with ICTILO
  • Final preparations for Information Technology training for 8 Freetown Polytechnic staff completed
  • Training Needs Assessment (TNA) survey tool piloted and being refined before roll out
  • National Council for Technical, Vocational and Other Academic Awards (NCTVA) constituting a technical committee for curriculum development 

October report