"World Manufacturing Production" for Q4 2015 come out
UNIDO Statistics presents this report on expected growth for 2015 and observed growth of the world manufacturing production for the fourth quarter of 2015. The quarterly growth estimates are based on the indices of industrial production. The report also contains revised growth estimates for the fourth quarter of 2015.
Major findings
・Global manufacturing output growth rose by merely 1.9% in the fourth quarter of 2015, down from a
2.6% revised growth estimate in the third quarter. Slow investment growth, lower commodity and
energy prices, weak global demand and geopolitical tensions are among the main causes of the overall
flat-lining growth.
・The manufacturing output of industrialized countries rose by 0.2% in the fourth quarter of 2015. This
slow growth figures in the United States and Europe and a decline in East Asia’s manufacturing output.
The question of the robustness of recovery in industrialized economies has been raised in earlier
quarterly reports.
・The growth of manufacturing output in developing and emerging industrial economies decreased to
4.6%, down from 5.2% growth in the previous quarter. The growth outlook varies between different
developing and emerging regions and groups; e.g. manufacturing output grew by 6.1% in developing
countries in Asia and the Pacific compared to the same period of the previous year, while it declined
by 4.0% in the Latin America region. Manufacturing output has also declined slightly (0.2%) in Africa.
・Despite the slower pace of growth, developing and emerging industrial economies were the main
drivers of global manufacturing growth. Their combined contribution to global manufacturing growth
was around 80%. This indicates the significance of manufacturing activities within the group for the
overall global pictures.
“World manufacturing Production” Statistics for Quarter Ⅳ, 2015