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Global Call for innovative solutions in cleantech and sustainable land management

Global Call for innovative solutions in cleantech and sustainable land management


The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is pleased to invite you to apply to the 2021 Global Call for innovative solutions in cleantech and sustainable land managementinitiated by the UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) Germany, organized by the entire UNIDO ITP Network in cooperation with Future Cleantech Architects (FCA), UNCCD and UNFCCC

The international competition aims at mobilizing private sector innovations for climate change mitigation and adaptation and sustainable development. Its objective is to identify readily deployable and scalable solutions to address the adverse effects of climate change and ultimately contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic development. 

The call is addressed to private sector entities (micro, small, medium, and large companies & start-ups) with a focus on four strategic categories, seeking solutions for: 

  1. Decarbonizing growing urban environments
    Innovative solutions for decarbonizing growing urban environments by addressing the demands and distribution of water, agricultural, energy, mobility and other resources, as well as solutions for areas that are vulnerable to climate change (e.g. coastal areas)
  1. Clean and efficient energy generation and storage
    Innovative solutions for generating and distributing energy in a clean and smart way, especially affordable and decentralized renewable energy solutions that are applicable in developing countries 
  1. Circular production and industrial processes
    Innovative solutions related to the re-use, re-cycling and re-manufacturing of resources, as well as energy and process efficiency solutions and smart approaches for more climate-cautious consumption 
  1. Sustainable land management
    Innovative solutions for productive lands, including new technologies and approaches to production with a demonstrable positive contribution to soil health, land rehabilitation and combating desertification. 

Additional information on the initiative can be found on the dedicated website 

The registration opens on 1 July 2021. Applications must be submitted by 2 August 2021 through the following form:

The Award Ceremony will be held in in a hybrid format on 26 October 2021. Among other benefits, the winners will be given the opportunity to showcase their solutions at international events, such as at a side event of COP26 and AGRITECHNICA and will receive advisory and match-making support from the UNIDO ITP Network. 

Thank you for sharing the opportunity among the potential interested stakeholders in your network. 

For any clarification or assistance on the above, please do not hesitate to contact us ([email protected]).