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Women’s Voices: Japanese technologies mitigating the effects of COVID-19 in Africa and Asia

Women’s Voices: Japanese technologies mitigating the effects of COVID-19 in Africa and Asia

Throughout 2021, Japanese companies have finalized the establishment of their projects in selected countries in in Africa and Asia to help limit the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, under the UNIDO project “Strengthening the capacity of developing countries to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic through appropriate technology transfer from Japan”, funded by the Government of Japan.

All projects targeted at least 40% women as beneficiaries and participants, impacting on their lives, health, prosperity and conditions at home and at work,. There are several different cases how women were involved in the projects. A few are described below.

As project counterpart:

At Mutuini Sub-county Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, Kinsei Sangyo Co., Ltd. established a Gasification Incinerator to treat medical waste. Dr. Josephine Wambui Nguri, Medical Superintendent at the hospital, determined that the technology will enable the facility to safely manage medical waste without polluting the environment, and thus benefitting the community. “The equipment has helped various female medical workers to remain safe from harm caused by improperly disposed medical waste as well keeping in check our infection control measures. It has also provided a learning and training opportunity for various female medical workers who were trained on use of the incinerator and are currently passing on the knowledge to others” she added. Commenting on the training she has received on the project, Nguri said she “gained immense knowledge and exposure on safe medical waste management. It also empowered me with intersectoral collaboration as the project involved various sectors to work together for it to become a reality.”            

Gasification Incinerator at Mutuini Sub-county Hospital

A female medical worker








As project beneficiary:

In Kenya, TSP Taiyo Inc. installed its Mobile PCR Laboratory with solar system at the Machakos Level 5 Hospital in Nairobi. The technology helps to answer various community needs by providing PCR test facilities at various locations on need basis. Ms. Christine Wanzila Musyoki, a beneficiary hospital staff who provides PCR tests to patients, said that “the mobile lab being solar powered will enable us to reach the vast community where electricity connectivity is a challenge thus being able to reach minority groups, i.e. women, children and people living with disabilities.” On the expectation of how the equipment would help female medical workers, Musyoki added “so much is expected of women, especially the female medical worker. She’s to take care of her children, husband, her elderly parents, her patients etc. For her to achieve all this, a safe and secure working environment is key. This equipment offers all of this in one unit.”

PCR test to a patient

Mobile PCR Laboratory








As indirect project beneficiaries:

Ms. Ramersari

JIAT-X brand disinfectant spray

In Indonesia, Solar Wind Technology Inc. transferred its JIAT-X brand disinfectant spray technology, which can be used to disinfect surfaces at homes, work places, etc. The company held seminars in the country to widely disseminate the benefits of its product. Many of the project beneficiaries at project sites were women, who commented on their experience.

“For waitresses, JIAT-X disinfectants are a great solution. With this technology not only can you disinfect tables, but you can also remove odors. In addition, it can also be used as a hand sanitizer for customers, thus providing a safe environment for both customers and employees.” said Ms. Ramersari, a waitress.

Likewise, Ms. Rami, a nursing student commented that she was “very impressed with the technology of JIAT-X, which produces disinfectants that are environmentally friendly and safe for adults, children, pets, etc. in everyday life, and that the training provided an opportunity to learn how to disinfect properly.”

UNIDO will continue to monitor and report on the impact of the projects under implementation, with an aim to illustrate contributions to the recipient countries and relevant SDGs, including SDG 3 (Good Health and Well Being), SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure)

For further information: [email protected]

Note: TSP Taiyo Inc. is not a STePP company as of March 2024.